Saturday, October 13, 2012

week 7

So this is a video of Greg smashing my trombone bell (thanks Greg for letting me film that one)

This is my bell after smashing. Oh god, will it ever be pretty again?

This is the waterkey of my project trumpet. More like, this is where it's supposed to be because I took it off so I could clean it. Anyways, look at the red stuff around the ring thing. That's red buffing compound that someone didn't think was worth cleaning up. My waterkey itself was full of that and it looked like red wax.

The underside of the button from my project trumpet. Again, red buffing compound.

The top of my button (project trumpet), pearl. Pretty pretty pretty.

Oh no! My pretty crook that I put together. I wonder who decided to smash it with a hammer...
Let's take those out!

One side of a tool I made called Nosepicker. It takes out mouthpiece dents really nicely.

The other side of my Nosepicker.

My Nosepicker!

This is my mouthpiece project. I had to make the flange fit the casing, it was not painless.

Ow, that's a fold in a trumpet bell. Greg was really happy when he saw how easy my bell would fold..

Nice solder joints, no wiping needed, the gray stuff will go away when buffed.

More nice solder joints, except for the fact that the upper one got quite messy. Those are the S braces on my mouthpiece trumpet.

The usual mess on my work bench.

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